Kaayi Haalu

No. of servings:  4-6                  Soak Time:  10 mins           
Preparation Time:  10 mins            Cook Time:  15 mins           

This delectable paayasam is excellent as itself.  It is also an essential accompaniment for Sweet Shaavige (or) haalu obbattu (paalu obbattu) - both traditional South Indian desserts!


  • Cashews - 15
  • Freshly grated coconut - 1.5 cups
  • Jaggery (or) brown sugar - 1 cup
  • Poppy seeds - 4-5 tsp
  • Milk (or) Vegan milk - 2 cups
  • Elaichi (Cardamom) powder
  • Saffron (optional)


  • Soak poppy seeds and cashews for half an hour 
  • In another vessel, soak 1 cup jaggery in 2 cups of water 
  • Put this vessel on the stove on low heat ('Soup' mode in IP)
  • Grind the poppy seeds and cashews
  • Now add grated coconut and grind finely
  • After the jaggery dissolves, add the ground paste to it
  • Cook it on low flame until it starts to boil
  • Turn it off immediately
  • After it cools down a little, add boiled milk ('Steam' mode in IP for 'zero' minutes)
  • Add cardamom powder and saffron
  • Serve it warm or cold as itself (or) with rice noodles (or) fried 'haalu obbaTTu' 

Tips and Tricks:

  • This dessert is very cooling to the body due to poppy seeds
  • Poppy seeds aid a good night's sleep!  After all, they are used in making opioids :)  
  • Never add cold milk to hot coconut gravy as the milk will curdle.  Both have to be hot to remain homogenous
  • Soaking the poppy seeds helps in grinding it quicker and finer
  • Soaking the cashews quickly grinds them into a smoother, milkier paste
  • Boiling the poppy seeds in water will expedite the process even more
  • Powder the cardamom in the pods itself to get a stronger flavor 
  • Adding a spoon of sugar grinds the cardamom finely


Final Outcome:

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