Avocado Banana Milkshake

# of servings:  4                               
Preparation Time:  3 mins            Cook Time:  None           

This quick shake can be whipped up in no time and is a satiating drink for breakfast or even for those sudden pangs of hunger.  Sugar-free, preservative-free, guilt-free!


  • Avocado - one half
  • Ripe banana - 1
  • Milk (or) vegan milk - 2 cups
  • Ice - 0.5 cup (optional) 
  • Pineapple mint sprigs - 4 (optional)


  • Place the avocado, banana and milk in a blender jar, along with ice if using
  • Run the blender in 'milkshake' mode or just any medium speed setting
  • Pour into serving cups
  • Garnish with a sprig of pineapple mint and serve cold

Tips and Tricks:

  • To get perfect avocados, place firm avocados in a brown paper bag and fold over to close.  Leave it aside for a couple days until they become soft.  Use it (or) store it in the refrigerator for later use (they can stay good for 7-10 days in the fridge)
  • Riper the banana, sweeter it is
  • Since there is enough sweetness from the banana, no additional sugar or sweetener is required
  • If the milkshake is too thick, add a little more milk and pulse it


Final Outcome:

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