Honey Lemon Ginger Chai (Tea)

No. of servings:  3                           
Preparation Time:  2 mins            Cook Time:  10 mins           

Essential oils in the lemon zest, ginger, black pepper and honey..., all are great to get rid of a stuffy nose or an itchy throat!  Contrary to popular belief, lemon zest will not curdle the milk.  (It is the lemon juice that does it.)  This combination will leave one wanting to try it again and again! 


  • Tea leaves - 3 tsp
  • Zest of lemon - 1 
  • Ginger - 1 inch
  • Milk (or) vegan milk - 0.75 cup
  • Black pepper - 0.25 tsp
  • Honey (or) vegan sweetner - 3 tsp


  • Grate ginger into a vessel 
  • Zest a lemon and add it to it
  • Add water and bring to a boil ('Soup' mode in IP)
  • Add tea leaves and boil for a minute
  • Add milk and let it boil for another minute
  • Powder the black pepper corns and add to the tea
  • Turn off heat
  • Strain into cups
  • Add honey (or vegan sweetener, if preferred) and serve hot

Tips and Tricks:

  • It is important to zest only the yellow part of the lemon rind.  The white pithy part is bitter and will spoil the taste 
  • Heating water in a hot water kettle expedites the process
  • To cut the time needed to grate or process the flavorings, put them all in a blender jar with half a cup of hot water and pulse.  (Ginger will be grated, leaves/petals will be ripped, zest will be incorporated, etc.!)  Pour it into the vessel and whisk the remaining hot water in the blender jar and use that for the tea.   Clean up will be done instantly 
  • Per cup of tea, use: 1 cup water; less than half a cup of milk and little more than a tsp of tea leaves 


Final Outcome:

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