Lemon Balm Watermelon Juice

# of servings:  4                                  
Preparation Time:  15 mins            Cook Time:  None           

A refreshing drink for a sunny afternoon.  This drink replenishes nutrients like vitamins A, B6, C, lycopene, antioxidants and some potassium too!  All the different natural flavors come together in a unique combination to quench the thirst instantly.  


  • Watermelon - 6 cups
  • Lemon balm (or) mint (or) pineapple mint (or) peppermint leaves - 3 fistfuls
  • Honey (or) vegan sugar - 2 tbsp
  • Salt - 4 pinches


  • Chop the watermelon and place it in a blender jar
  • Destalk the lemon balm leaves and add to the blender jar
  • Add honey and salt to the blender jar
  • Juice them all together so no chunks are left behind
  • Strain the juice through a sieve and refrigerate (if desired)
  • Serve chilled or at room temperature, as per preference

Tips and Tricks:

  • Adding a pinch of salt not only adds flavor, it also reduces the quantity of sweetener needed!  It increases the electrolytic value of the drink and quenches thirst faster too!! 
  • Lemon balm brings its own lemony fragrance and flavor.  If using regular mint, a dash or lemon juice can be added to enhance flavor
  • Amount of honey (sweetener) to be adjusted as per the taste of the watermelon.  Sometime the fruit may be bland and require an additional tbsp to be added


Final Outcome:

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