Nutty Chia Seeds Pudding

No. of servings:  4                  Soak Time:  20 mins           
Preparation Time:  5 mins            Cook Time:  None             

This highly nutritious and quick pudding can pass for a healthy breakfast or a light dessert.  With no cooking time, nature's goodness can be tasted as is!


  • Chia seeds - 4 tbsp
  • Milk (or) Vegan milk - 2 cups
  • Honey - 0.5 tbsp
  • Vanilla extract - 3-4 drops
  • Bananas - 2 (or) Apple - 1
  • Silted almonds - 1 tbsp
  • Cinnamon powder - 0.5 tsp (optional)


  • Put the chia seeds in a big bowl and pour the milk in it
  • Mix immediately with a ladle 
  • Add vanilla extract and honey 
  • Stir a few times intermittently
  • A gel-like layer forms around each seed after a few minutes and thickens like a pudding
  • Add finely chopped bananas/apples, almonds and cinnamon (if using)
  • Add a little more milk if it is too thick
  • Mix well and serve chilled (or at room temperature, as per preference)

Tips and Tricks:

  • Initially, after adding milk, stir every now and then, else the chia seeds tend to clump up


Final Outcome:

With Bananas
With Apples

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