Mint Strawberry Peaches Lemonade

No. of servings:  Multiple                  Cool Time:  1 hr             
Preparation Time:  20 mins            Cook Time:  20 mins           

This refreshing summer drink tastes better than any store-bought lemonade without any unknown ingredients! Can be made with a variety of combinations in this manner.


  • Peaches - 6 large
  • Strawberries - 20
  • Lemon - 1 large
  • Mint - 12 stalks
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups


  • Cut the peaches into wedges
  • Chop the strawberries
  • Squeeze the lemon juice
  • Slice the lemon peel into thin slices
  • Heat a large vessel and add strawberries and peaches
  • Cook until they start getting tender
  • Add half a cup of water and mint leaves (save 2 stalks for blending)
  • Cook until peaches are completely soft
  • Add 2 cups of water and bring to boil
  • Turn off heat and let it cool completely
  • Put this into a blender and make juice along with the lemon juice, zest and 2 stalks of fresh mint leaves
  • Strain it through a cheesecloth bag
  • In a vessel, add the sugar to half a cup of water and make a syrup by bringing it to boil for 3-5 minutes
  • Add the strained fruit juices to this and turn off heat
  • Bottle refrigerate this syrup
  • To make the drink when needed, one part of this syrup to one part of ice-cold water 
  • Taste and adjust sugar as desired
  • Add ice-cubes, a sprig of mint to garnish and serve chilled! 
  • Variation:  One part of this syrup can be added to one part of lemon soda/sprite if preferred. 

Tips and Tricks:

  • Blending a couple stalks of fresh mint kicks up the flavors well
  • Adding hot water to the cooking reduces cook time and it starts bubbling sooner
  • Lemon peels need not cook too much.  Adding it towards the end releases its tart flavor without overpowering the flavors of the fruit
  • It is easier to extract the fruit juices and then add to the sugar syrup.  This makes it easier to extract the juices rather than after adding the sugar!


Final Outcome:

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