
No. of servings:  4                  Soak Time:  30 mins           
Preparation Time:  10 mins            Cook Time:  20 mins           

To make soft chapaati (chapati), every step is important - making the dough, kneading, rolling and roasting!  If not, they will end up hard.  It is an art that comes with practice.  Along with that, following certain essential steps is key.


  • Wheat flour - 3 cups
  • Salt 
  • Oil - 1 tbsp
  • Warm water - about 1.5 cups approximately (or) half of the liquid portion can be replaced with milk or curds
  • Mashed avocado - 0.5 (optional)
  • Flaxseeds meal/powder - 2 tsp (optional)


  • Take the wheat flour and salt in a large bowl
  • Add flaxseeds meal (if using) and mix it into the dry flour
  • If using, mash half an avocado and incorporate into the dry flour
  • Add warm water gradually and mix till firm consistency is achieved
  • Knead well and make a big ball
  • Add oil and knead till it is incorporated well into the dough
  • Cover the ball of dough with a wet towel, close with a lid and set aside
  • After at least half an hour, knead again
  • Make into small balls and roll them in dry wheat flour
  • Heat a thick-bottomed pan (tava) to roast the chapaatis on high flame
  • Using a rolling pin, roll out the balls evenly on a pastry mat
  • Pick up the rolled chapaatis and spread half a tsp of oil on the top
  • Put the oiled side facing down on the pan 
  • When it starts puffing up (about 30 secs), move it around a little so that it roasts evenly on that side
  • Spread another half a tsp of oil on the top and flip it over to cook on the other side (another 30 secs approximately)
  • Remove it from the tava and serve hot with preferred entrees or pickle or yogurt

Tips and Tricks:

  • Mixing salt with dry flour ensures even distribution of salt
  • Flaxseeds and avocado make the chapaatis more nutritious, softer and tastier! 
  • Making the dough with warm/hot water breaks the gluten sooner and aids in making softer chapaatis
  • Adding the oil and kneading until it is incorporated further breaks the gluten and makes the chapaatis softer
  • Setting the dough aside is essential to get soft chapaatis
  • Using a pastry mat on the counter keeps the counter, as well as the chapaatis clean! 
  • Rolling evenly is important as it puffs the chapaatis well
  • Spreading a little oil on the dough itself, rather than on the tava helps to use less oil and makes the chapaatis cook faster
  • Roasting on a high flame cooks them faster and keeps the chappatis softer longer
  • Should not flip them back and forth too much or they will become hard
  • The temperature of the tava should be managed well, raising and lowering as per the requirement to roast them well


Final Outcome:

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