Boiled Peanuts in the Shell

# of servings:  4                                  
Preparation Time:  5 mins            Cook Time:  1 hr           

Nothing is more satisfying than shelling the salty, juicy, delicious peanuts in the shell.  Making them takes a while, but literally needs only 5 minutes of active time.  Be sure to check the secret ingredients that make this dump-and-go item so delectable!


  • Fresh peanuts in the shell - 1.5 lb
  • Salt - 1 fistful
  • Tamarind paste - 1 tbsp
  • Jaggery (or) brown sugar - 1 lemon sized ball


  • Wash the peanuts in the shell
  • Place them in a pressure cooker vessel and add water till the peanuts are immersed
  • Place a trivet on top of the peanuts (see picture) to help to keep them immersed in the water with all the flavorings 
  • Add the tamarind paste, jaggery and salt to the water and stir
  • Pressure cook very well ('Pressure' mode for 60 mins in IP)
  • Drain out all the water and throw it away
  • De-shell and enjoy the delicious sweet, salty, moist and juicy peanuts!

Tips and Tricks:

  • Peanuts in the shell have to be the fresh, raw, green ones (not the dried or roasted kind).  Note that 'green peanuts' are not green in color.  The fresh, raw ones are called like that
  • Placing the trivet on the top prevents the top layer of peanuts from floating and hence all of them get the flavor evenly 
  • Tamarind and jaggery are the secret ingredients that make the peanuts delicious, without taking over the natural flavor and texture of the peanuts
  • Since the peanuts are in the shell, it does take a lot of salt.  Do not hesitate to throw-in a whole fistful to make them perfectly salted
  • The water can have soil sediments from the shells and hence cannot be used as broth for anything else


Final Outcome:

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