Caramel Custard

# of servings:  4                     Refrigeration Time:  3 hrs           
Preparation Time:  2 mins            Cook Time:  15 mins           

A simple satiating dessert that is also soothing to the stomach!  Made with just 3 ingredients, this can be whipped up soon but takes a little patience to let it set before devouring!


  • Milk - 4.5 cups
  • Custard powder - 4 tbsp
  • Sugar (divided) - 0.25 cup + 4 tbsp


  • Heat 4 cups of milk well ('Steam' mode for 'zero' mins in IP)
  • Mix the custard powder in half a cup of milk, without any lumps
  • Pour this into the boiling milk, along with stirring ('Soup' mode in IP)
  • Keep stirring and the milk will start thickening
  • Continue cooking along with stirring until it starts boiling
  • Add 0.25 cup of sugar and continue stirring
  • When the sugar dissolves and starts to boil again, turn off the stove
  • Pour the custard into moulds or cups to set and let it cool for 15 mins
  • For the caramel, place another vessel on the stove at low temperature
  • Add 4 tbsp of sugar along with 4 tsp of water.  Be sure to not use too much water
  • Keep stirring until the sugar melts and starts bubbling
  • Now carefully spread spoonfuls of this boiling liquid over the custard that has started to set.  Be sure to spread horizontally, without breaking the top layer of the custard 
  • Let it cool down for a few more minutes
  • Keep it in the refrigerator to set for a couple of hours 
  • The caramel will seep down through the sides, to the bottom of the cups and set with a golden honey color
  • Serve cold and enjoy slowly! 

Tips and Tricks:

  • Be sure to not use too much or too little custard powder.  Too little will make the end result runny (will still taste nice though).  Too much will make the custard set too firm and dense (won't taste great)
  • Making the custard powder and milk mixture without lumps is essential for a smooth texture
  • Stirring until the milk thickens is equally important to avoid the formation of lumps
  • Allow the custard to cool for some time outside and then move it to the fridge, especially if using glass moulds.  The moulds can crack or break if hot liquid is placed directly in the fridge


Final Outcome:

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