Egg Sandwich

# of servings:  4                                  
Preparation Time:  10 mins            Cook Time:  20 mins           

A quick sandwich that is colorful and delightful.  With a combination of different flavors and textures, this sandwich is a filling lunch fix!  Be sure to use this Hard-boiled Eggs - 'Forget 555' Instant Pot Method for the eggs.


  • Sandwich buns/bread - 2 slices per sandwich
  • Tomato - 2 
  • Pesto basil sauce - 2 tbsp
  • Spinach - 2 fistfuls
  • Eggs - 4 
  • Bell peppers - 0.75 cup
  • Butter/oil - 2 tsp
  • Salt
  • Black pepper powder - 0.5 tsp


  • Hard-boil the eggs ('Pressure' mode for 3 min. in IP, with Natural Pressure Release.  More detailed instructions at Hard-boiled Eggs - 'Forget 555' Instant Pot Method.)
  • Thinly slice the tomato and bell peppers 
  • In a little oil, saute the bell peppers till they start looking shiny and set aside
  • Peel the eggs and make thin slices
  • Slice the sandwich bun if needed
  • Butter the open sides and roast (buttered side only), on a hot pan
  • On the roasted side of the bottom slice, spread half a tbsp of pesto basil sauce
  • Place a layer of tomato slices on it and top it with a layer of spinach leaves
  • Arrange a layer of egg slice and spread out some roasted bell peppers
  • Sprinkle some salt and black pepper powder
  • Close the sandwich with the roasted side on touching the bell peppers
  • Serve immediately and enjoy

Tips and Tricks:

  • Be sure to not put too much pesto sauce as the oil in it will start to ooze out
  • Roasting the bell peppers enhances their taste and the texture will more homogenous with the other ingredients


Final Outcome:

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