Green Tomato Chutney

# of servings:  8                                  
Preparation Time:  10 mins            Cook Time:  10 mins           

Made with unexpected ingredients, this accompaniment tastes great with rice, rotti, dosa, roti or chapati.  Packed with nutritious goodness, this kid-friendly dish is a must-try!


  • Chopped green tomatoes - 3 cups
  • Tender pumpkin seeds and fibres - 1 cup (optional)
  • Urad daal - 3 tsp
  • Channa daal - 2 tsp
  • Fenugreek seeds - 0.5 tsp
  • Green chili paste - 1 tsp
  • Salt
  • Grated coconut - 0.5 cup
  • Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
  • Curry leaves - 1 stalk
  • Asafoetida - 1 pinch


  • Chop the green tomatoes
  • Cut open the white pumpkin and scoop the fibres and seeds from the inside.  These fibres and seeds are used in this chutney (not the pumpkin)
  • In a little oil, splutter mustard seeds, asafoetida, curry leaves and 1 tsp urad daal ('Saute' mode in IP)
  • When the daals turn a brown, scoop everything out and set aside
  • In the same oil, add the remaining urad daal along with channa daal
  • When the daals turn brown, add methi seeds immediately followed by green chili paste
  • If using, add the tender seeds of pumpkin, along with the fibres around them.  Be sure that these are tender and not hard-shelled mature seeds
  • When the raw smell is gone, add the chopped green tomatoes and saute well
  • Add the salt and turn off the heat
  • Let it cool a little and add everything into a blender jar, along with the grated coconut
  • Grind it coarsely, along with very little water
  • Pour it into a bowl and top it with the mustard seeds seasoning that was set aside
  • Mix well just before serving
  • Serve with rotti, dosa, roti, chapati or even some rice

Tips and Tricks:

  • The tender seeds and fibres of a pumpkin are nutritious and filled with protein.  This is a great way of incorporating those nutrients into the cooking
  • Be sure that the seeds do not have hard shells, else the chutney will taste gritty
  • Mix the seasoning with the chutney just before serving to keep the crunch of the roasted urad daal


Final Outcome:

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