Gulab Jamun

# of servings:  Multiple                     Soak Time:  2 hrs             
Preparation Time:  20 mins            Cook Time:  15 mins           

This crowd-pleaser dessert can be made and stored ahead of time!  Although made from a mix, the mode of preparation can make a huge difference in their taste and texture.  Be sure to try this method along with all the special 'tips and tricks' for delicious, juicy and soft jamuns.    


  • Jamun mix - 1 cup (200 gm packet) 
  • Almond flour - 1/8 cup (25 gms) (optional)
  • Milk - 4 oz
  • Brown sugar (or) Sugar - 3.5 cups
  • Water - 3.5 cups
  • Cardamom - 4-5 pods
  • Cloves - 4 
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 inches
  • Saffron - 3 pinches
  • Rosewater (or) Vanilla essence - 1 tsp
  • Ghee - 1 cup


  • Place sugar and water in a wide vessel and stir together
  • Put it on the stove (or) IP ('Soup' mode) on medium heat
  • Stir every now and then till it comes to boil
  • When it comes to boil, simmer the heat
  • Let it continue boiling for 12-15 minutes and then turn off the heat
  • Make a powder of cardamom (along with pods), cloves and cinnamon together
  • Add this powder, saffron strands and rosewater/vanilla to this syrup and cover the lid
  • Sift the jamun mix and almond flour (if using) together
  • Pour the milk in very small increments and make a dough with a gentle hand (not kneading much at all)
  • Set aside for 5 minutes
  • Smear ghee on both the palms and make small, even-sized rounds, without any cracks
  • Cover the balls with a lid 
  • Heat the ghee in a small vessel at a moderate temperature (more than a simmer, less than medium)
  • Place the syrup vessel on a low temperature as well
  • Drop the balls, 6-8 at a time and fry them till they turn little more than golden brown
  • Drain all the ghee and immediately drop them into the hot syrup
  • Repeat this till all the balls are fried
  • Turn off the heat for the ghee
  • Keep the cover and continue boiling the syrup along with jamuns for another 5 minutes
  • Turn off the heat and set aside for at least a couple hours
  • Serve warm (reheat, if desired) with a generous ladle full of syrup
  • Can be served warm along with cold ice cream too!   

Tips and Tricks:

  • Brown sugar gives richer color
  • An equal amount of water and sugar ensures a rich flavor and thick syrup
  • Boiling the syrup ensure good texture for the syrup, rather than runny sugar water! 
  • All the flavor powders and essences entice more with their aroma and enhance the color
  • Adding almond flour gives a nutty flavor to the jamuns.  Be sure to not add too much or the jamuns will break and fall apart! 
  • Mixing the dough with milk gives a richer taste
  • Mixing and making balls with a gentle hand ensures softer jamuns.  (More kneading means rock hard jamuns, with a knot in the middle.  This is not a good outcome!)
  • Using ghee to fry rather than oil adds to both taste and fragrance
  • The right temperature to fry is essential so as to not undercook or overcook the balls
  • Fried balls should directly be put into hot syrup to ensure absorption of the sugar syrup
  • Boiling the syrup with the jamuns makes it easier for them to absorb the maximum amount of sugar syrup!  This makes juicy and soft jamuns!


Final Outcome:

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