Dragon Fruit Salad

# of servings:  4                     Refrigeration Time:  30 mins             
Preparation Time:  10 mins            Cook Time:  None           

Dragon fruit taste amazing by themselves.  Paired with just a hint of flavoring and a drizzle of honey, the taste goes to a different level altogether. This is certainly a must-try!  


  • Dragon fruit - 2 
  • Lemon balm (or) Pineapple mint (or) Mint leaves - 1 fistful
  • Honey (or) Vegan sweetener - 4 tsp


  • Peel the dragon fruit; cut them into large cubes and put them into a bowl
  • Chill the fruit in the fridge for at least half an hour
  • Destalk the lemon balm/pineapple mint/mint and chop them into thin strips
  • Add them to the bowl with the fruit
  • Drizzle the honey over the fruit and leaves and toss gently
  • Serve chilled

Tips and Tricks:

  • Dragon fruit are naturally delicious!  They don't need much to enhance their flavors
  • They taste nice chilled


Final Outcome:

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