Roasted Brussels Sprouts Salad

# of servings:  4                                 
Preparation Time:  10 mins            Cook Time:  20 mins           

Roasted brussels sprouts paired with the crunch of fresh cucumbers and spices come together wonderfully in this semi-raw salad!  The simple ingredients allow the natural taste of the vegetables to stand out, making this a delightful side dish or a snack.


  • Brussels Sprouts - 20-25
  • Tomato - 1
  • Cucumbers - 2
  • Chives - 1 fistful
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper powder - 1 tsp
  • Oil - 2 tsp


  • Preheat the oven or air fryer to 325° F (165° C) 
  • Cut the tips of the brussels sprouts and chop them into quarters
  • Put them in a baking tray along with the oil, salt and black pepper powder
  • Toss them well and bake in the oven for 20 minutes (air fryer for 10 mins)
  • Chop the tomato and cucumbers into medium-sized cubes
  • Chop the chives as desired
  • When the brussels sprouts are done roasting, add the chopped tomatoes, cucumbers and chives
  • Toss them well and serve! 

Tips and Tricks:

  • Adding the salt and pepper before baking incorporates the taste well into the brussels sprouts
  • Although little, the oil keeps the pieces moist and stops them from drying out while roasting 


Final Outcome:

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