Persimmon Cinnamon Smoothie

No. of servings:  4                               
Preparation Time:  5 mins            Cook Time:  None             

Ripe persimmons have a naturally alluring color and fragrance. Paired with the flavor of cinnamon and yogurt, this drink is satiating and flavorful at the same time!


  • Persimons - 3
  • Chilled yogurt - 1.5 cups
  • Cold water - 1 cup
  • Cinnamon powder - 0.5 tsp
  • Honey (or) Agave nectar - 1 tsp (or as desired)
  • Salt - 3 pinches


  • Peel the persimmons and place them in the blender jar
  • Add the yogurt, water, cinnamon, agave nectar (honey) and salt into the blender jar
  • Run it  on a 'smoothie' cycle 
  • Pour it into a tall glass and serve cold/chilled

Tips and Tricks:

  • Agave nectar is a great natural sweetener and vegan friendly too
  • A pinch of salt in a sweet drink (without milk) cuts down the need for too much sweetener and balances the flavors


Final Outcome:

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