Kosambari (Cucumber Salad)

No. of servings:  4                  Soak Time:  20 mins           
Preparation Time:  10 mins            Cook Time:  None          

This refreshing and cooling salad is a must on festive occasions. A feast is incomplete without this delicacy and for a good reason!  It is simple and easy on the stomach.


  • Finely chopped cucumber - 2 cups 
  • Green gram daal - 0.5 cup (or) sprouts - 1 cup
  • Coconut - 2 tbsp
  • Grated green mango - 1 tbsp (or) Lemon - 1
  • Green chili paste - 0.5 tsp
  • Salt
  • Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
  • Asafoetida (Hing) - 1 pinch
  • Chopped coriander leaves - 1 tbsp (optional)


  • Wash and soak the green gram daal for 20 mins.  (If using sprouts, they can be added directly to the chopped cucumbers)
  • Peel and finely chop the cucumbers 
  • Season mustard seeds and hing in a tsp of oil
  • Remove the water from the soaked daal, wash again and drain
  • Mix in all the ingredients and serve right away

Tips and Tricks:

  • Can use green gram daal with or without skin.  The ones with the skin take a few minutes longer to soak but add extra fibre to the salad
  • When salt touches the cucumbers, it starts to leach water.  This makes the salad soggy and the flavors milder.  Better to mix in just when ready to serve
  • Can also be made with just cucumbers, without the soaked daal


Final Outcome:

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